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Executive Jets in Brazil Grows 8.7% and Fleet in General Aviation has a 2.5% Increase in April 2022

Executive Jets in Brazil Grows 8.7% and Fleet in General Aviation has a 2.5% Increase in April 2022 | MORE THAN FLY

General aviation continues to record positive numbers in the country in the first four months of 2022. According to data collected by ABAG (Brazilian General Aviation Association – Associação Brasileira de Aviação Geral), the segment once again recorded an increase in the number of movements, landings and take-offs in April, closing with 32 thousand movements at 34 monitored airports. Over the first four months of 2022, takeoffs and landings totaled 120,000, against 350,000 throughout 2021 and 281,000 in 2020.


“During the months of the pandemic, general aviation showed its importance to the country and continued to fly intensively, when the commercial air network was drastically reduced. It was general aviation that ensured the transport of patients, took oxygen in the Manaus crisis and transported vaccines to the most distant places to guarantee everyone's immunization”, said Flavio Pires, director of ABAG.


Another interesting data concerns the general aviation aircraft fleet. A growth of 2.5% in relation to the fleet registered in April of last year. Today there are 9,433 registered aircraft and in April 2021 there were 9,163. Among the jets, the growth is even more expressive when comparing one year with the other. Today there are 749 executive jets (data from April 2022) and in April last year there were 689. In other words, 60 new jets were integrated into the Brazilian fleet, an increase of 8.7%.


The number of turboprops, in turn, grew by 12.95% in the executive aviation fleet. If in April of last year there were 1,295 aircraft, in April of this year we reached 1,462 units. The turbine-powered helicopter fleet also rose 6.1% in April from the same month a year ago, jumping from 1,000 aircraft to 1,061.


Other parameters that show the increase in the movement of business aviation are the consumption of aviation gasoline, already at pre-pandemic levels, and aviation kerosene. In March this year, 4,800 cubic meters of aviation gasoline were sold, against 2,800 in March 2020 and 4,300 in March 2021. Kerosene sales are still below the volume recorded in early 2020 , are 401,100 cubic meters in March this year against 426 in March 2020 and 296 thousand in March 2021.


“At first, people sought executive aviation because the air network had been reduced to a minimum with the pandemic, then because they wanted to travel safely, with less risk of contagion. Now, we see that more people are turning to business aviation to ensure productivity and get where they want to go faster,” said the ABAG director.


Between the 9th and 11th of August, the entity promotes another edition of LABACE, the largest executive aviation fair in Latin America, in São Paulo, at Congonhas Airport. “After two years without happening, LABACE comes at a very positive moment in the sector, when business aviation is booming, moved the country from north to south in the most complicated months, and is increasingly perceived as a tool fundamental for managing the executives' time and agenda”, said Pires.



The aviation news website MAIS QUE VOAR (MORE THAN FLY) does not agree with Fakenews. This publication contains content with sources from ABAG Press.


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